Artero Perfume Classic 90Ml
Artero Perfume Classic 90Ml
Read more Characteristics Long-lasting soft and fresh perfume for dogs without losing the elegance that Arter always seeks. Completely eliminates bad odors. Natural ingredients. Elegant presentation in metallic blue aluminum container with vaporizer. 90 ml. Good smell for cats and dogs. Artero knows how important it is that the smell of a pet is pleasant in your home, that is why it has been offering a range of perfumes that in addition to providing elegant and lasting fragrances manage to be respectful with the smell of pets since it avoids extreme odors. One of the characteristics that differentiate these perfumes from others is that in addition to providing fragrance, it works as a corrector of smell at the same time making bad odors disappear at the moment. Read more
Product Features
Buy with confidence as this product comes with 18 months full local warranty in Australia & New Zealand (unless otherwise stated in the overview).
This product also comes with the benefits of the Warranty. For further details please read our Warranty Guidelines.
You can also purchase 3 Year Extended Care. If you are interested please see our Extended Care Information.