Vetark Bsp Vitamin Drops, 50 ml
Vetark Bsp Vitamin Drops, 50 ml
BSP stands for broad spectrum. Like all of our other vitamins these are high potency vitamin drops so that only a small amount is needed. They are ideal for medicating water for small pets from rabbits and guinea pigs down to degu, hamsters and gerbils - which often won´t accept vitamins any other way. Contents per litre Nutritional additives Vitamins A (retinyl acetate) - 6,000,000 IU, C-10,000mg, E-8,000IU D3-1,000,000IU, B1-2000mg, B2 - 4000mg, B6 -1,000mg, biotin 25mg, folic acid 400mg, nicotinic acid 20,000mg and pantothenic acid 12,500mg Manufactured in the UK. Box Contains 1 x 50ml BSP Liquid multivitamins
Product Features
- Liquid vitamin supplement for addition to drinking water
- Uk manufacture, long expiry dates
- Low dose, high palatability and acceptance
Buy with confidence as this product comes with 18 months full local warranty in Australia & New Zealand (unless otherwise stated in the overview).
This product also comes with the benefits of the Warranty. For further details please read our Warranty Guidelines.
You can also purchase 3 Year Extended Care. If you are interested please see our Extended Care Information.